US Environmental Protection Agency Awards Recognize Clean Energy Leaders

The Refinishing Touch reports on the US Environmental Protection Agency AwardsDuring this year’s 11th annual Green Power Leadership Awards, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave out awards to 19 EPA Green Power Partners. The partners, located all across the country, were chosen based on their use of clean, renewable energy sources, energy security and reducing pollution.

The awards recognize everything from green buildings to green communities, across four different categories, including ‘Green Power Partner of the Year’, ‘Green Power Community of the Year’, ‘On-site Generation’ and ‘Green Power Purchase’. Among the winners were: the Empire State Building, Google, Portland Oregon, Santa Clara University, State Street Corporation and many others.  For the full list, please check here.

The EPA, through its work with the Green Power Partnership and other opportunities, helps 1,300 organizations to achieve their goals in reducing environmental stresses and reliance on conventional electricity use.

Through the goals of the EPA, its Green Power Partners, companies and individuals across the country, America can begin to understand the importance of long-term environmental sustainability commitments as well as turn it into a reality.  That’s something we can all support, and here at The Refinishing Touch we’d like to congratulate all the Power Partners, as well as the organizations across the globe that are working to reduce their environmental impact, and, of course, the EPA for hosting the awards.