Refinishing Furniture Prevents Landfill Waste
Refinishing and Re-engineering existing furniture pieces prevents hundreds of valuable assets from being sent to the landfills.
“Three R’s” of Protecting and preserving the Environment: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The objective of “Reduction” is to save consumers and businesses money by reducing the overall amount of new goods they purchase and consume.
You might be surprised at the amount of energy and natural resources expended in manufacturing, packaging, and shipping new furniture. You can use our customized Carbon Footprint Calculator to estimate what the hidden environmental costs of new furniture might be, but even that doesn’t capture the whole picture!
What about the old furniture you would have to dispose of? New furniture created today will not be made from solid wood.
Even if you are shopping environmentally responsibly and purchase sustainable furniture, the lifespan of the furniture is still going to be roughly one-third of the amount of wear and tear a solid wood piece of furniture could be expected to last.
This means that in less time than the new furniture goods can be depreciated (Federal tax laws estimate about 7 years) they will need to be replaced. With solid wood furniture, many companies have extended the useful life for as many as three times their amortized lives. With refinishing, you can many more years out of those sturdy, durable pieces. Keeping your original furniture in use and out of the landfill.

Most of the pieces of furniture you’ve got will be reused with a refinishing project, but what about the pieces that are outdated?
Recycling is defined as “breaking something no longer usable down to make something new.” The Refinishing Touch does exactly that with your older FF&E. We re-engineer and re-manufacture the existing piece to make it work for another twenty years, customizing each piece to ensure that it matches the rest of the suite of furniture in the room.
The Refinishing Touch estimates a savings of approximately 2,250,000 lbs of wood from landfills nationwide since our inception in 1977.

For more about the Environmental Impact, click here to download our 2024 Go Green E-book.