The Refinishing Touch’s sustainable spotlight: Patricia Griffin, “Green” Hotels Association

Guest author: Patricia Griffin
Patricia is the founder of “Green” Hotels Association ® 

20yearslogoNow more than ever before, hoteliers are seeking sustainable initiatives that are not only environmentally-friendly, but that are also fiscally responsible and undisruptive to guests. With sustainability as a newfound priority within the industry, the “Green” Hotels Association is proud to bring together property managers who believe in such environmental causes, in an effort to raise awareness around the topic.

At the “Green” Hotels Association, our members consist of both vendors and hoteliers who place an importance on sustainable practices, materials and construction in order to move our planet, and businesses, forward. Whether an establishment is at the beginning phase of their environmental plans or a full-fledged green institution, the “Green” Hotels Association provides them with the guidance needed to take the next step.

Inspiration to become a more sustainable facility happens unexpectedly. For example, on a trip to Europe, a sign was displayed in my hotel room prompting me to inform a staff member if I wished to have my towels and linens washed for re-use. It was a simple concept, but a powerful one. Shortly after this encounter, the “Green” Hotels Association and our ‘Towel and Sheet’ cards were born.

In a day and age where customers are increasingly concerned with green practices, the act of offering them the chance to participate is key. The gentle reminder that throughout their stay, sheets and towels can be used more than once will save a hotel up to 5% on utilities alone.

Although it’s getting easier, sustainable change within a well-established organization is never easy – management is reluctant based on cost, and staff is weary of new routines. However, implementation of cost-efficient, eco-friendly practices, like furniture asset management, can save on budget for years to come, increase the value of a property, improve customer retention and result in better ratings – just to name a few benefits.

With companies like The Refinishing Touch pioneering the field, sustainable hospitality and tourism will surely continue to rise, and at a fraction of the cost. More often than not, going green implies a costly price tag, but thanks to sustainable alternatives, which the “Green” Hotels Association avidly supports, I am confident that we will see green standards become the industry norm.

To learn more about the “Green” Hotels Association and membership, please visit their website today. For more information regarding furniture asset management and how it can save your company money and reduce carbon emissions, please contact us at [email protected]