The Refinishing Touch gives back: St. Bernard’s Project, New Orleans, LA

Some flooring workIt’s very rewarding to be able to give back to the earth during our projects. The use of environmentally friendly wood stains and fabrics for re-upholstering furniture are only two ways we use our knowledge and experience to help our university, government and hospitality clients achieve a like new look to their properties and assets. Despite the joy it gives us to complete these projects, it pales in comparison to the overwhelming sense of accomplishment and pride we get when one of our own gives back to a community in need.

Last weekend, our own Lindsay Smith volunteered at the St. Bernard Project in New Orleans. Groups of 10-15 worked on houses across the St. Bernard Parish in the lower ninth ward re-building houses that were lost to floods when the levies broke in the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. While there, Lindsay and her team were responsible for caulking and painting of windows around the home as well as the installation of laminate hardwood floors around the house. Lindsay herself worked in the master suite laying down flooring.

The homeowner, Tresea, had been through very trying times, living in a houseboat and FEMA trailer since Katrina. Thanks to Lindsay and the many others who participated, Tresea will soon have a new place to call home and enjoy with her family. Tresea was a gracious host in her soon-to-be-completed home helping at times and keeping everyone laughing throughout the day.

Lindsay’s volunteering didn’t stop there. Once work on one project was completed, Lindsay and many other volunteers turned up at another freshly completed home to welcome the homeowner back. The grateful recipient of the newly re-built house celebrated with cake and wonderful conversations with all their guests.

It was a delightful weekend filled with hard but incredibly rewarding work. After hearing about the experience and fulfillment Lindsay received from participating in the St. Bernard’s Project, we’re excited to continue working with them on a more consistent basis to be able to give back to others the way we’ve given back to the environment.