Taj Hotel recognized by EarthCheck for sustainability efforts

Taj Hotel Group has been awarded gold certifications for nine of its hotels by EarthCheck, a global leader in environmental benchmarking.  The establishment is recognized as one of Asia’s largest and finest hotel companies and is comprised of 93 hotels across 55 locations across India, with 16 additional international hotels in the United States as well as the Maldives, Malaysia, Australia, UK,  Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East.

The Refinishing Touch gives tips on how hotels can go greenIt’s encouraging to the worldwide hospitality industry to see the Taj Group demonstrate unwavering environmental savings and commitment to sustainability in line with its  premier corporate social responsibility program.

In 2013, Taj proved it is possible to be environmentally aware without compromising on quality or luxury when it reduced energy consumption by 176,766,344 MJ – enough to power nearly 55,000 homes in India.  Using EarthCheck capabilities to back their benchmarking shows forward thinking and is what sets the group apart in its efforts.

As CEO of EarthCheck, Stewart Moore points out, “The growing number of Taj properties now engaged with EarthCehck show absolute commitment to quality external benchmarking.”

We’re a company fully vested in the green accolades of hotels and resorts and, as always, success stories of this stature are worth sharing. To learn more about how the Taj Group is making the earth a better place, please see the full article here.