New generation of travelers know what they want

It is said you grow wiser with age. Or that as you mature, so does your palette. Both may be true. Though any age can be discerning.

A new study in the workplace among Generation Y, basically people born between 1981 and 2000, found that they have certain expectations of what they want from their employers in their workplaces; and a green workplace is one of them.

The study found that respondents wanted to work in organizations that were ‘on the cutting edge’ of technology, where they could work effectively.  And when asked about work environment, they said they didn’t just prefer employers who provide eco-friendly conditions, but they wanted them to exceed minimum compliance standards.

Logic dictates that if this generation expects above average working conditions with regards to green practices, then it’s probable that these workers when they’re traveling  for work or pleasure, are going to hold the same, if not higher, standards to the entire travel industry.

It’s refreshing the leaders of tomorrow say that they have standards and want to see organizations demonstrating theirs. This also presents an opportunity for every hotel and travel destination to demonstrate its sustainability and commitment to green, and a lost demographic for those that don’t.