Furniture asset management: Saving the planet and saving your budget

Each and every day, the team here at The Refinishing Touch is involved in sustainable initiatives across government, education and hospitality. We are at the leading edge of sustainable renovations, helping decision makers and facilities managers understand how to implement furniture asset management and understand best practices to fully realize its benefits.

Green buildingThere are many benefits of furniture asset management to discuss but the conversation frequently turns straight to the undeniable environmental benefits. These include the reduction in unnecessary landfill waste and disposal of old furniture, the ability to preserve existing furniture assets, and the fact that new furniture does not need to be built, bought or shipped. Carbon dioxide emissions are slashed by a factor of a hundred.

The green benefits are indisputable, and across each of our industries, are being recognized, shared and encouraged by ‘users’ – in education students want to commit to colleges and campuses that demonstrate their commitment to sustainability; travelers want to stay with hotels that are staying on course with green initiatives; and government at all levels wants to show that it’s governing its own emissions, waste and protecting our shared resources.

While it’s about going green, furniture asset management is also about the bottom line. One of the strongest facts about furniture asset management is that it provides substantial benefits to spend levels and to protecting budgets.

Our customers know this. Time and time again we have demonstrated up to 80% of budget spend saved by implementing furniture asset management. Our customers understand that saving the planet and saving budget are not mutually exclusive.

In each of our industries we’re seeing going green and cost considerations being brought together. For example, IHG, one of the hotel brands that we have worked a great deal with, shares that one of its key objectives for its ‘Green Engage’ sustainability system and program is to work with its hotels: “to help them reduce their environmental impacts and operating costs.”  As we say, and we see each and every day, being green is a responsibility in terms of the environment, but it is also a strong business decision that protects existing investment and enables the saving and reallocation of budgets.

If you’d like to calculate how fiscally responsible furniture asset management would be for your organization, please email us at [email protected].