Can Canada meet its goal? Sustainability initiatives falling short

We are always pleased to see the sustainability movement gaining momentum, and were thrilled to see so much recent coverage on worldwide gatherings aimed at combatting global warming.

The United Nations Climate Summit was held in New York City during the last week of September. The summit was attended by politicians, scientists and celebrities who acknowledge the immediate need for action.  A week prior, everyday people from around the world took part in The People’s Climate March to demand action from world leaders to end the crisis.  One country that has seen a recent call to action is Canada.

Green world lightbulbCanada made a commitment under Stephen Harper’s government in 2009 to reduce greenhouse emissions by 17 percent by 2020.  It is becoming clear now that the nation will most likely not attain this level of reduction leaving many to question what can be done to end the ‘sustainability deficit’.

Refinishing, reupholstering or remanufacturing existing furniture assets is a proven method of reducing carbon emissions. It takes about 1,000 times more CO2 to manufacture a new piece of furniture. Compare this to refinishing and the overall Co2 emissions are reduced by an estimated 124.08 tons.

At The Refinishing Touch, we work hard every day to help leading hotels, universities and government agencies throughout Canada uphold high standards of excellence while reducing their environmental footprints.  Furniture asset management is not the standalone solution to global warming, but it certainly assists in the comprehensive plan required to make a difference.