Top of the class: US universities develop carbon emissions modeling software

At The Refinishing Touch, part of our mission is to help organizations, including government bodies, hotels and universities, to reduce money spent and the amount of carbon emissions produced when updating or purchasing furniture. So we are always looking for new, innovative ways to inform our clients about the environmental and financial benefits of implementing furniture asset management solutions. US universities develop carbon emissions modeling software

Recently, we read an article highlighting a new software system called ‘Hestia’, developed by Arizona State University and Purdue University, which shows hourly, building-by-building energy-consumption modeling in a clear, high-resolution map. The software is the first of its kind, and is able to collect data from a wide range of sources, including local air pollution reports, traffic counts, and tax assessor parcel information. By combining the large amounts of data with the sophisticated 3D modeling, users are able to view carbon emissions as far down as individual buildings and street segments.

While the software is currently only fully implemented in Indianapolis, and partially implemented in Los Angeles and Phoenix, the program provides a promising solution, not only for private organizations looking to invest in sustainable initiatives and track the benefits, but for public sector organizations looking to better enact sustainable public policy in different regions across the country and world.

As a company that saves our clients an average of 90 percent in carbon emissions and 80 percent in budget costs when compared to buying new furniture, we can only imagine the benefits this software will bring to organizations looking to implement sustainable solutions and gain significant ROI. By being able to see, and compare, how one building’s carbon emissions stack up against another, the opportunities are limitless to researching the most positive sustainable initiatives based on location, weather conditions, building specifications and more.

To learn more about this new software, read the entire story here. And to learn more about The Refinishing Touch’s furniture asset management services, visit our website or request a free quote to find out how our services can benefit your organization.