Businesses to government: “Time to step up”

The governments of this world must step in and create firm legislature to dictate the steps necessary to slowly reverse the downward trend of our planet – and step up soon.   Businesses, citizens and the planet’s health all demand it.

When you’re relied on to be a driving force behind anything, it’s never good if you fail to meet expectations. Far too often this sentiment follows government participation in key decisions.

For example, during the U.N. climate negotiations in Cancun last December, some 20 heads of state showed up to discuss the impact human induced climate change is making on our planet.  Illustrating the earlier point about failed expectations, consider the dramatic drop off from the 120 heads of state who attended in 2009.

But there was an increased attendance from another sector: business.  Business leaders attended in force, and showed a united front to state that climate change is bad for business, and to urge changes must be made.

There seems to be one factor in getting business under one roof speaking in harmony; money. Giants such as Google and Wal-Mart, which were amongst the 250 businesses represented at the conference, could only voice concern to governments that a framework be developed to help create long-term strategies to reduce the risk faced by businesses due to negative climate change.

The International Chamber of Commerce urged negotiators “to establish a set of clearly outlined financing goals and objective, transparent governance procedures to help businesses understand the public policy agenda on climate finance” – which was said to be a major factor in determining whether or not a business would invest in an initiative.

Even though it’s not for the altruistic reasons we would like, businesses are still sending the message that governments must listen to. The world and its economy cannot continue down the path it’s on.

With the next round of discussions to commence in October, it’s more important than ever that the governments of this world step in and create firm legislature to dictate the steps necessary to slowly reverse the downward trend of our planet – and to step up soon.   Businesses, citizens and the planet’s health all demand it.






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