This month we’ve seen how two different sectors of our country approach Earth Day, and how they go beyond what you normally see from other businesses. We’re delighted to be involved with industries that realize the value that green business practices bring to the environment, as well as to their bottom line. Our Government has shown its commitment to Earth Day as well, and while less risk-averse than the other two sectors we’ve covered, it still has strong methods and goals in place.
Despite this, there is still no unifying message across federal or state governments. Many times when in this debate, we still find the politicians and pundits arguing over the existence of climate change, and what should be done to control it. It’s quite ludicrous that this debate is still going on. We can all agree that green practices are necessary – a brief scan of the websites of Congressmen and Senators shows that all acknowledge what they’ve done to improve the environment. However, when presented with an actual change in policy, many of these same voices go quiet. And with big power companies funding these voices, it unfortunately seems there may not be anyone speaking up to make the change needed.
If there is to be sweeping changes necessary, the Government needs a unified stance, and to make its message clear to the public. As long as there is division within the halls of our Government, so there will be division around the country. Without a clear, unified message on the best practices for companies and individuals, stories like that of the solar panel installers who charge over 5 times the national average because there are no set standards will continue to take place.
Of course it’s healthy to have an open debate, but the next step must be less talking and more action