Colleges are rebuilding, and they’re doing it green

Going green is no longer a novel idea on college campuses nationwide, it has become a necessity. One school, the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, has plans to build eco-friendly housing for its students. In the works for the past three years, the college will replace popular housing in need of repair with eco-friendly dorms complete with cutting edge technology

Cost has persuaded the school to replace these facilities rather than renovate, as the project is expected to reduce energy consumption by 75%. While many fear losing the old structures because they a part of the college’s history, the new plans will certainly make history of their own.

The students in these seven cottages will enjoy state-of-the-art faculties; the school is calling them an eco-village. Each cottage will house nine students, each helping to reduce the schools’ carbon footprint. The cottages will include energy efficient amenities like washers and dryers, water conserving bathroom features, and each building will be repositioned to use solar power. In addition the entire eco-village will feature a solar plaza which will power the entire complex and a rain garden around the perimeter.

To read the college’s entire plan, read the article here.